Sunday, October 11, 2009

Year Two, Y'all

So, in the next few days, we'll be announcing the kickoff of Cannonball Read 2.0 over on Pajiba.  My main goal is to get a LOT more committed participants involved.  We want you to read!  And have your reviews posted on the site! And become more literate and enlightened bitches and hos!

We're also doing this for Amanda.  (Yes, I totally played that card.)

Stay tuned, kiddos.  And start eyeing up that TBR pile you have hidden under the bed, in a cupboard, behind the terlet, wherever. 


DeistBrawler said...

Let me know when it starts and when it ends. I haven't read "really" since my last semester of college when I was reading 6 books a week. So...bring it on.

Anna von Beaverplatz said...

I already started my list/pile of books. Although Tim stole one. I think I have a dozen or so to start with, though, so he's allowed to read it. FOR NOW.